It took me an entire week to summon up my courage, since I was notified of my uncle's recent death, at the age of 101, as to finally be able to break the sad news to my 99 years old mother. - Ruth.
My only remaining uncle Jacob, who resided stubbornly on his own, up to his death near by his family in Texas ,was my mother' closest and only brother, left, from a large family of 6 siblings who, (excluding my mom and one other brother), all perished, along with their parents in the Holocaust.
Although both brother and sister are made up of strong gene pool, judging by the advanced age they have both reached, their physicality and hearing were badly impacted, and were long impaired.
Like my mom, Jacob was also self-educated, talented, and avid readers and writer.. However II WW shuttered for both, their dreams and course of life, yet despite the struggles and hardships they, flourished, lived life to the fullest, and left a family legacy..
For years, and until about 2 moths ago, they would call each other weekly, talking long distance, while none could hear the other.. but they kept in contact anyway..
My mom being the younger among the 2, stopped being annoyed with her brother's scolding or life long unsolicited given advise, once her hearing deteriorated.
What she couldn't hear she couldn't take into heart, any longer, despite his insistence....
Texassen cousin shared the sad news via email, and as I reside in Tel-Aviv, I knew I could only notify the sad news, not on the phone, but in person. I was worried about Ruth's fragility and mercurial high blood pressure, which gives her painful headaches, and may cause hospitalization. So for a week I was withholding the bad news,
Finally, I drove to Haifa, and was for her, when she cried, refused to eat, and was flooded with memories, and words, she probably would have loved to share with her brother, but, now wouldn't get any other chance to do so..
When she seemed to be calmer, though still sad, a strong contaminating feeling, we felt safe to depart knowing she is in the very good hands of her care taker, who, we believe, in addition to the resilient gene poo,. has literary, prolonged her life,
The antidote meds
There is none better therapeutic analgesic, to tranquilize pain and to console the sad soul, than consuming Art and Culture, and even much more, creating some.

On the way back to Tel- Aviv we stopped over in Ein Carmel, where David's 2 army bodies from his earlier life, reside..
David was particularly fond of Meir Garber who nothing could perturb nor frighten him.
Neither the scary “white horse הסוס הלבן “ sergeant major during cadet school nor flying bullets in action. Meir has “ ice in his veins “, nerves of steal and long roots of optimism.

No that other people are spared even much cruller tragedies, yet being exposed
to the Art on display which this privatized kibbutz, has surrounds itself, has lifted our spirit, and was a soothing experience.

Ein Carmel

Located in the northern coast near Atlit, and 15 minutes south of Haifa the kibbutz was established in 1950, on land of the Arab al-Mazar village, that was depopulated during the 1948 Arab-Israeli war, by former residents of Ein HaYam and Ramat Rachel
Its Population of about 500, made a living of agriculture, mainly growing Bananas,
dairy farming, and poultry raising.
Bananas still are seen on the now communal landscape.
The dairy farm was moved to another kibbutz. .
An industrial venture. KAL-KAR Ein Carmel – Expanded Polystyrene Products, was established by the members of Kibbutz in 1967 and is one of the leading EPS producing companies in Israel
The few exotic chickens that can be seen just roam around freely.

And the Chicken coop structures were parceled, rented out and transformed into artisan and artists' ateliers, studios, and workshops for the local artists and craftsmen, who utilize the space, for the reasonably afforded price.
They create and work on their arts, whenever, though on the first Saturday of each month , all artists and artisans show up for the special occasion, of displaying their arts and crafts to the public, as are, on stage, the local artists and craftsmen who interact with the visitors and offer also training workshops.
It is not verified that this artistic community lays"Golden Eggs" in this unusual habitat, yet the place is truly unique and authentic Artist’s village. featuring exclusive works in Iron, wood, Basalt, glass and sculpture gardens.

Anton was the only one artist we encountered working at his shack studio, late that Friday's afternoon. He creates unusual musical instruments- percussion and string , made from metal or wood,which are decorative, functional, as well as can also vibrate the body, like the string in a back of a wooden chair, the artist play, while David was sitting on it,

The known sculpture garden, named Bazalton displays a Bazalt made sculptures by the artist Dagan Shklovsky, who originally was from another kibbutz (Merchavia), and though was trained in computers, preferred to sculpture huge stone figures (reminding those of Easter Island size-wise). on permanent display at the garden.

The kids petting corner allows children to pet donkeys and goats as well as chase dogs, cats and peacocks., who were roaming around freely in packs.

Also ,Cafe Zahara, which is surrounded by the artist studios and workshops, is located in the center of the Kibbutz and offers fresh, local vegetarian dishes in a casual, rural style.

And what was once the kibbutz communal Dinning Fall, and which got to be recently refurbished, rents out space, for offices, for a drinking/party Bar, Art museum and still continues serving as a cultural center , utilizing also the huge loan in front of it to various Holidays related ceremonies and other cultural events.

Furthermore, next to the historical original low wooden residential small structures, a new fancier housing development of large ,2 stories modern structures has popped out
on the parceled land, build by children of original kibbutz member who long left the kibbutz but as now the kibbutz is privatized, they are compelled to materialize their building rights , as not to forfeit their real estate inheritance.

In addition to being "medicated" on art, we "gabbled" this past week at restaurants,
as well as consumed "soul foods" in the form of movies. theater, and the opera., all now open to the vaccinated public, almost totally free, off Corona restrictions..

The Sopranos at the TLV Opera

Lessin Theater

.Although death has visited upon the family, the new normal, back to the future, with its Art and Cultural opportunities, still does the trick, in offering an uplifting experience, fabulous consolation, and in highlighting the beauty in life.
The Lilicopter (from an art exhibit in versailles france)